By Gary Carson

The enemy hates the message of a Resurrected Church or anything that remotely has to do with the supernatural that is being rebirthed in the earth. And it needs to be rebirthed.
Hell attempts to come out full force against anything that would reestablish the Body of Christ as a supernatural resurrected people in the earth. He mixes the pot with bad doctrine. He uses eccentricities and stupid stuff, people caught up in the human flesh. This is why our emphasis is on character, character, CHARACTER. We don’t care one iota about the gifts of the Spirit if not backed up by the FRUIT of character!
Unfortunately the Corporate Body has become so stymied by anti-supernatural Kingdom people that we have our own lawyers, our own doctors of the law that are pharisaical to their approach. They are so enraptured by their own thinking and their own intellectualism that the Church is unable to properly come forth. Enough!